Botox procedures are gaining popularity across the globe. They are known to enhance facial appearance by eliminate facial wrinkles and lines. This decelerates the aging process signs. They are normally administered through injections. Though these procedures are effective, there are related side effects of botox injections.
Some of these effects include drooping of eyelids, numbness, discomfort, and tingling sensation, itching and even swelling of the injected area. Nonetheless, nausea and mild headache can also be evident after botox injection. The product formulation may features ingredients that cause allergies to some individuals. This may be hazardous to the health of the patient.
These side effects may take hours to three week-period varying from one patient to the other. It is highly recommended for patients who desire to undergo such procedures to be informed about these effects. Doctors’ advice should be considered and equally adhered to. This is vital for making an informed decision about the same.